
Uric Acid Support

Are you suffering from high Uric Acid or painful Gout flare-ups?

If the answer is yes, are you experiencing one or more of the following conditions? 

  • Issues related to Uric Acid levels above 6.0 mg/dL
  • Pain and inflammation in the feet, ankles, knees, hands, or other joints
  • Extreme joint pain
  • Swelling, warmth, and tenderness in joints
  • Kidney stones due to high Uric Acid
  • Pain while urinating
  • Unpleasant side effects of prescribed Uric Acid reducing medications

What causes higher Uric Acid Levels?

Various functions of the body need to be working in unison in order to effectively reduce and remove excess Uric Acid in the body (hyperuricemia). The liver and kidneys need to be healthy and functioning properly so they can keep Uric Acid at healthy levels in the blood stream, as well as filter excess Uric Acid from the blood. There are two primary causes of high Uric Acid levels. These are hereditary and dietary. Studies show, in general, 2/3 of Uric Acid comes from the hereditary component while 1/3 comes from the dietary component. Uric Acid is produced by the breakdown of purines, which are found in the body and in protein-rich foods. Those predisposed to high Uric Acid levels have problems metablolizing purines, which can lead to excess levels.

In many cases, the liver and kidneys are not functioning at optimal levels, resulting in the body retaining more of the Uric Acid that should have been removed. When these organs are functioning properly, they will naturally help the body reduce Uric Acid to healthy levels. Due to the fact that 1/3 of Uric Acid comes from the diet, it is important to consider what foods you are putting into your body. When the body breaks down purines, it creates Uric Acid. The harder the body has to work to break down purines, the more Uric Acid is produced.

Why are high levels of Uric Acid a Potential Health Issue?

There are several reasons why it is so important to reduce Uric Acid to healthy levels. Those with elevated levels of Uric Acid are more susceptible to Gout flare-ups. Not only can the flare-ups occur more frequently, but they will also be more painful. The Uric Acid crystals can become so dense that movement is not an option. It becomes debilitating. The damage caused by high Uric Acid levels is not just limited to more frequent and painful flare-ups, but over time it will cause permanent damage to the affected joint(s).

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