
Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoids Symptoms Signs and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Although most people think hemorrhoids are abnormal, they are present in everyone. It is only when the hemorrhoidal cushions (also known as hemorrhoids) enlarge that hemorrhoids can cause problems. Some people actually suffer with hemorrhoids and never know it unless a doctor’s exam reveals their presence. 

For the majority, the signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are overt, and often progress in severity over time.  For many people the first symptoms may be revealed as a tinge or pinching in the anal area.  Sometimes the first sign can be blood or ‘spotting’ in the undergarments or blood in the stools. 

Anyone who notices blood from the anal area is advised to see a doctor to be sure of a diagnosis.  Bleeding can relate to other health problems, and one needs to be sure of a firm diagnosis of hemorrhoids and not something more serious.  

Other symptoms that may accompany hemorrhoids besides bleeding can be:

  • Anal Itching
  • Extreme pain, especially while sitting
  • One or more lumps near the anus
  • Seepage of pinkish fluid or blood
  • Feelings of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement

Stomach or digestive upset, diarrhea, constipation, hard feces, and cramping may accompany Hemorrhoids as well. Sitting, standing, walking, exercise or lying down can become extremely uncomfortable.  

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