Liver Detox from Western Herbal and Nutrition

Liver Detox


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check-1.pngExternal Hemorrhoids

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Liver Detox - 90 Veggie Capsules


Ingredients: Oregon Grape Root, Milk Thistle Seed, Yellow Dock Root, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Red Root, Fringe Tree Root Bark

Amount Per Serving: 1,000 mg/capsule

Serving Size: Take 1 cap 1-3 times daily depending on the pace of hte cleansing desired or as directed by your healthcare professional. For immediate short-term use, increase up to 2 veggie capsules 4 times daily for no more than 2 weeks.



Liver Detox can be used as a systemic (all over) cleansing stimulant. Liver Detox may help to detoxify current sources of toxemia as well as old dormant toxemia that may be a component to other pathologies or sources of toxins that lower functional well being.

The amount of the active part of Milk Thistle, called Silymarin, is concentrated beyond normal normal liquid extracts.


Caution: Not recommended if pregnant. Do not use if already acutely detoxing, especially if acutely detoxing from addictions such as alcohol.

Complimentary Formulas:




Blumeenthal M, The Clinical Guide to Herbs. Thieme, New York 2003 p. 1285-1295.